Swimming with dolphins

In the middle of the Pacific, well nearly–

Picture 004Wet suited up and with mask and snorkel so we could “swim like a dolphin!”

They really did come and swim round with me, so close you felt you could put your arms round them! but couldnt/wouldnt of course.

Later, video of them racing the boat after we were back in, IT glitch, so no video yet!

Picture 005

–and we saw these on rocks but aparently they bite!

so more dolphin–Picture 002

and this is a shag!

Picture 007–preening

and this is a Takahe, flightless NZ bird, just escaped extinction, after rats, cats, weasels etc brought here–by US!  historically.

He thinks he is hiding, no wonder he is nearlt extinct!

Picture 008

-oh and this was my bus to the beach,

Picture 006

Almost out of time, more anon————-

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